JMA’s environmentally sustainable business practices
At Just Money Advisors, client portfolios are actively screened for environmental sustainability, aligning assets with clients’ imperatives to do what they can to mitigate climate change and to participate in growing efforts to regenerate soil, protect and conserve water, and support renewable energy sources.
But how, one might ask, is Just Money Advisors walking the talk in its own business practices?

First, we align our personal accounts with our commitments, just as we do for clients. This is our core business, our core value. We also bank at Self-Help Credit Union, a Community Development Financial Institution based in Durham, NC, which provides capital to a range of projects focused on environmental sustainability.
Our most special public contribution is the garden of plants native to the Beargrass Creek Watershed. The green space around our little house-converted-to-office-building includes pollinator habitat, fruit and haven for birds and other small creatures, and a rain garden to absorb our water runoff. People walking by appreciating it, as well, and its contribution to our historic Louisville neighborhood was acknowledged with “The Blossom Award” a few years ago.
To our disappointment, solar engineers assessed our office building roof as too small for effective use of solar panels and suggested we cover our garden with solar panels instead. We declined, trusting the rabbits and birds approve of the choice.
Beyond the garden, our environmentally sustainable practices are among the basics—the daily choices almost anyone can make.
Minimum paper use. Technology allows for more tasks that have typically been paper-intensive to be done electronically, and we adopt those technologies where it makes sense for us. However, some processes still require paper documents, some clients who have chosen not to adopt some technologies still require paper documents, and mail still rolls in. Consequently, we cannot claim to be a paperless office, but we minimize paper use wherever possible.
Recycled office paper (100% recycled content, maximum post-consumer use) and paper products, as well as thorough recycling of paper (finely shredded, of course), plastics, glass, etc.
Energy efficiency. We employ programmable thermostats and fluorescent lighting. The office boasts energy-efficient windows and is also extremely well insulated by Project Warm, a non-profit organization that provides free weatherization education and services for low-income households in Louisville. They also occasionally sell and install insulation for small businesses like JMA.
Financial support for local environmental efforts, including Project Warm, Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light, Louisville Earth Walk, and the University of Louisville’s Sustainability Program.
These relatively simple efforts, made consistently over the years JMA has resided in Louisville, are important steps toward aligning our business practices with our commitment to environmental sustainability.